Other media


In 2012 I produced a series of pieces for the Perpetual Notion Machine, a biweekly science radio show on WORT in Madison, Wisconsin. I conducted interviews, wrote and recorded narration, and edited stories up to 30 minutes in length. All pieces were broadcast on the air to thousands of listeners in the Madison area.

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring — This piece marks the 50th anniversary of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, which came out in September 1962. I talk to historians about Carson and the time period in which the book was published, and ask scientists what has changed since then, and what has not. This story aired on September 20, 2012.

Life on the Prairie — In which I explore the fascinating and diverse prairies of southern Wisconsin. I talk to ecologists about what makes the prairie unique and valuable, and learn about what people are doing to protect it. This story aired on August 16, 2012.

The Changing Forest — Trees can seem stoic and invincible, but many of them are actually quite sensitive. With global warming changing temperature and precipitation patterns, our familiar trees may need to move to new places in order to survive. I talk to scientists at the University of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource, and the US Forest Service to find out how Wisconsin’s forests will fare in a warmer future. This story aired on June 19, 2012.

The Ecology of Lyme Disease — Every year, the tick that spreads Lyme disease colonizes new territory. I talk to University of Wisconsin entomologist Susan Paskewitz about the ecology of Lyme disease, why its range is expanding, and what people can do to avoid it. This story aired on May 17, 2012.

Wonders of Physics — Each winter for the past 30 years, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Physics Department has put on a free demonstration show for the community. I talk with physics professor Clint Sprott about how the whole thing got started, and what has kept him going. This story aired on March 1, 2012.


Posters and Brochures

While at the American Physical Society, I was the project lead for a number of innovative brochures and posters that communicate physics to new audiences. I also developed concepts for several videos, and worked with producers to turn these into reality.

Quantum Information – A poster highlighting cutting-edge research in quantum computation, teleportation, and cryptography.

7 Myths About High School Physics – A visually appealing brochure to dispel common misconceptions about physics.

Why Physics? – A poster using a humorous “top-ten” list to inspire high school and college students to take physics. It now hangs in the halls of most US physics departments, and countless high schools.

Gravitational Waves – A poster designed to inform and excite students about gravitational wave research. This poster was a joint product of APS and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

Why Physics? Poster7 Myths BrochureGravitational Waves posterQI poster final lo res


While at APS I managed the production of several videos on physics education:

Teach Physics – a 3.5-minute video intended to to excite and inspire physics majors to pursue careers in teaching.

Video Profile: Mary Lee McJimsey – a 5-minute profile of a Spokane, Washington physics teacher.

Introduction to Noyce – a video introduction to the benefits of the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship, a scholarship for future science and math teachers.